The Scent of Your Character

by Scott Hogle on April 28, 2024

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Galatians 5:22-24

Like fruit hanging on a tree, the fruit of the Spirit should adorn Christian character. I am reminded of smells and “first-time” experiences I had when I was young. The smell of freshly rolled newspapers as I prepared for my morning paper route, the smell of Christmas when I walked into Marshall Field’s, and the smell of grass on the field where I used to play baseball. In a similar way, with a different sense, you experience a person’s character by how they make you feel when you are around them.

Have you ever admired someone so much that you wanted to be like them? Paul points to the fruit of the Spirit as to what Christ working through us practically looks like. As you go through your day, become aware of “Christ in you”; these fruits are the ornaments of Christ’s character manifesting in you. Just as you have feeling about some people when they walk in the room, the fruit of the Spirit is the feelings others will experience as you model and mimic Christ.


  1. In whom do you often see the fruit of the Spirit manifested?
  2. What are the steps one might take to engage the character qualities of Christ?
  3. Are some fruits more important than others?

When people can taste and smell the fruit of the Spirit in you, Christ in you is coming through.


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